How It Works

Church Leadership

    – blocks-out a 2-month period for the adventure.
        – starts working on the project several months before the campaign begins.                     Time-lines will be provided.
        – decides a theme for the campaign (i.e. - Why did Jesus Die? What does John 3:16 mean? , Etc.)
        – begins planning for “Nathanael Sunday/Event” (invites special speaker/evangelist/sports personality                               - one who will present the Gospel in a clear way).
        – does all the recommended ground work to establish the program for maximum success.
        – spends much time in prayer and fasting
        – identifies their “Nathanael,” begins praying that God will give them the opportunity to present the Gospel.

800FollowMe Involvement

        – provides printed materials (Dan’s book, Small Group Guide/50-Day Devotional); videos (drama, music);        Children’s Church material, all materials for the program or access to secure website to obtain the materials
        – Advertising: We can work as a consultant with the church promotion for the campaign and/or the Celebration Sunday. This may include Billboards, handbills, radio spots, etc.
        – Web Presence: The pastor will present a 5-to-7 minute Gospel presentation, professionally videotaped, on based on the campaign theme. A “theme number” will be assigned and then promoted through the advertising. This presentation remains on our website on a yearly renewable basis.
        – Consultation: We are available to work with the pastor / campaign coordinator.

People in the Church

        – A willingness to allow God to speak to them and then through them in regard to their lost friends, relatives, c-workers, etc.
        – During the first week each believer will identify their “Nathanael.”


Church-Evangelism               Letter to Pastors/Churches               Overview of Program